Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Movement

OccupyWallStreet is spreading across the world.  Trade your paper money for Silver, Land and Food.

The time has come to trade in the imaginary paper money in your bank accounts, IRA, and 401k to get real money:  food packed for storage, silver, gold and land.

Trade your paper money for silver bullion precious metals at

Storage Food ( food packaged for long term storage ), silver, gold, land and a good home business are what will provide you with security.

The OccupyWallStreet and OccupyEarth movements are spreading across the world.
Prepare for when Occupy Wall Street comes to your street.

Get Storage Food and Earn

Get a good home business offer at

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Imaginary money is in trouble - get some Silver and Storable Food

For silver round bullion precious metals, for $51 each, go to    ( Please order online ).

Also get some Storable Food for your family's emergency preparedness

The currency crisis is here for Imaginary Money ( paper dollars in your accounts ).
Buy Silver, Gold, Storable Food. 
Watch this important video

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tougher times are coming this year...

If you want more security, buy more Silver, Gold, Food Packaged for long term storage, and get into a home business of some type. Start now part time, since it takes a long time to slowly build a following and good potential customer relationships.

I would also "short sell" the eMini-500's right now. Ask your online broker how to do this.
Have less of your money in stocks and commodity futures for a while. Buy Silver, Gold, Food.
More home builders will go broke this year. The dollar is going down, oil is going up, and tougher times are coming fast this year.

Urgent News Flash

A wealthy U.S. businessman says we could experience a new Currency crisis in America within the next 12 months, worse than 2008.